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Monday, April 5, 2010


Alright, so throw your stones, gripe all you want. I know its been almost a month since I posted. I've wanted to, I just couldn't get to it!! I haven't forgot though, I've been taking pictures in hopes of posting soon. Lots to come, including a tested-ly (oh yeah, its a word) delicious coffee cake that you can adjust to your liking!

Over Easter we had a crawfish boil, and it was delicious. Of course, we always have more than we can eat, so we spend that last half of the meal peeling the leftovers (and drinking beer!).

With the leftovers, the muffinman requested Crawfish Etouffee. While I wasn't in the mood to cook tonight, I did a quick google search and found this recipe. Its easy and quick, and I think it turned out delicious!! I alternated Nunu's (from some fellow cajun friends) and some blackened fish seasoning until I got the flavor to where I wanted. In addition, I didn't follow their instructions for cooking rice.... I just made up a few servings according to the package directions.

You can substitute shrimp if you'd like, but this was an excellent way to use my first batch of leftover crawfish! More to come on what else becomes the crawfish's fate...

My goal this week is to cook dinner from whatever is in the house. My freezer is overflowing (mostly with veggies and homemade sorbet), and I have a good amount of pasta in the pantry....I just think its time to use up some of this stuff! If I had the time (or motivation) I'd clean out my pantry and inventory the contents for ya, but we all know thats not happening. Hope you have an awesome week!

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